
EMHCS Board Commitees

EMHCS Board Committees

Academic Committee

The Academic Committee meets monthly to provide appropriate board oversight of the academic program by ensuring that the school’s educational program is positively impacting student achievement and by raising strategic academic issues for board discussion.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee meets monthly to provide appropriate board oversight of school finances, ensure accurate and comprehensive financial reporting to the full board, and raise strategic financial issues for board discussion.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee meets as needed to engage board members in regular fundraising activities for the school and in providing strategic direction, oversight, and accountability for the board’s fundraising activities.

Personnel Committee

The personnel committee meets monthly with the CEO and HR manager to provide overall policy guidance and submit, for final approval, recommendations on personnel policy matters to the board of trustees. 

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee meets as needed to provide leadership for board education, ensuring a strategically composed board is in place to govern the institution, nominating candidates for officer positions and committee membership, nominating and orienting new board members, ensuring an effective governance structure, and ensuring an effective board self-assessment process.

Audit Committee

The audit committee meets late summer to review with the independent auditor the scope and planning of the audit of the Corporation’s financial statements prior to the audit’s commencement. After the audit, the committee meets early fall to discuss the findings with the auditors.

Building Committee

The building committee meets monthly to develop and monitors, with the administration, a comprehensive maintenance program (both preventive and ongoing) for campus buildings and grounds. The committee assesses future needs and makes recommendations to the board. 

CEO Support & Evaluation Committee 

The CEO support & evaluation committee is responsible for the performance evaluation process for the school leader.